

Chemical-resistant perfluoro elastomer

TOMBO™ No. 2675-A

BLAZER™ O-ring-A

It has excellent chemical resistance and demonstrates resistance against polar solvents such as amines and chemicals such as organic acids that cannot be used with other fluoroelastomers. It suffers little metal elution and is suitable for applications that require both chemical resistance and purity.

Product Category

Elastomer ProductsHigh-Performance Elastomer


Chemistry & PetrochemistryOil Refining & PetrochemistryChemistryElectronicsSemiconductors & Flat Panel Displays (FPD)Electronic ComponentsFood & DrinkFood & DrinkHealthcare and MedicineMedical EquipmentMedicineVarious Plant FacilitiesPipingPumps and Valves


Heat resistance guide*: 227°C
Standard hardness (Duro A): 75
It has excellent chemical resistance and can be used for almost all chemical solutions. (Excluding fluorine-based solvents)
There is almost no elution of the metal from chemical solutions.
*The guide for heat resistance differs according to various conditions.


Sealing for cleaning equipment, coaters and developers (coating and developing equipment), wet etching equipment, and filters


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